5 Libros que necesitas en tu camino emprendedor este 2021

5 Books you need on your entrepreneurial path this 2021

Every entrepreneur needs to create new skills, knowledge and new ways of doing things, whether in everyday life or at work.
We are all looking for an antidote to our chaos in order to reach our goal as effectively as possible.

Achieving that big dream you've had in mind requires discipline and one of the best pieces of advice given by people who have achieved incredible things is to feed your mind through reading.
You need to train your mind and acquire new information that will help you face challenges in this life. There are books that over time become part of your routine and that help you polish yourself as a person. In this list I leave you the books that have helped me the most along this path of entrepreneurship.

Talk Less, Act More by Brian Tracy

It is a short but very precise book, as it helps you understand the CEO's methodology, making things happen in simple steps, from eliminating negative habits to making them positive. That is what you learn in this wonderful reading.
It is worth reading if you are one of the people who seeks to create constant achievements.
Buy it on Amazon here

The Habit of Achievement by Bernard Roth

This is a book that becomes your action bible, why? It gives you precise steps that help you become a person who seeks their greatest potential without getting complicated.

Despite being a very enjoyable book to read, it requires that you read it more than once, since there are actions that you will have to refine over time so that you can carry them into your daily life.

Buy it on Amazon here

The next book or books are more focused on the part of finances and psychology of the human being.

Think Fast, Think Slow by Daniel Kahneman

It is a book that talks about how easily human beings move away from the rational and we change it for things that complicate our logic of thought. It details how our behavior is determined by 2 systems.

One is the compulsive (caveman) in which you act without thinking about the consequences, this operates without our conscious control.

The second is the reflective calculator, being the one that helps us create focuses on the things we have to solve or do.

Buy it on Amazon here

Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins

It is a book that opens your eyes to many paradigms about money, focusing on making money work for you.

Robbins will guide you step by step to turn a small savings into wealth that will help you have the financial freedom you always dreamed of. One of the lessons that the author highlights most is the creation of a freedom fund.

Wealth is attainable if you put your mind to it.

Buy it on Amazon here

12 rules for living by Jordan Peterson

It will help you reflect on your life and what you need to improve in it. In a "self-help" type speech, the author narrates situations that he has experienced and gives you, from his point of view, how to lead a better life in ethical, ideological or religious aspects.

I recommend that you read it calmly to understand the context of each chapter and get the most out of each page.

Buy it on Amazon here

We will continue to publish lists of books for inspiration, business, marketing and design to give you as much knowledge as possible. If you have any recommendations, do not hesitate to send them to us on any of our channels.

Happy entrepreneurship!

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